the Eagle Industries logo overlaid over a photo of a winter jobsite

This winter, Eagle Industries has the products you need to keep your jobsite and your workers protected. They have a full slate of solutions for winter jobsites that 1.) reduce high labor costs, 2.) reduce downtime, and 3.) increase total jobsite productivity.

Unsure about the benefits of proper winter enclosure, containment, and clearing products? Instead of using valuable man hours needed for clearing snow and ice from the jobsite, proper usage of enclosing sheeting and tarps can drastically reduce the time needed to clear a jobsite to resume work.

Questions about any of these products or need help placing an order? Let our sales staff know, they'll be happy to help! Get in touch and they’ll respond as soon as they’re able.

Find your winter jobsite solutions:

Reinforced Poly Sheeting

Starting at $79.95

Reinforced poly can be used for various applications including construction enclosures, temporary containment, abatement covers, ground covers and underlayment.

Scaffold Wrap

Starting at $296.40

Scaf-Lite Scaffold Sheeting is a premium grade string reinforced poly sheeting manufactured with innovative reinforced eyelet bands that remains flexible in cold weather climates.

Construction Tarps

Starting at $64.35

Flame retardant poly tarps are white FR woven poly tarps used during general construction for jobsite protection and weather protection. FR poly tarps have the texture of blue poly tarp with a more advanced construction.

Snow Tarps

Starting at $682.50

Eagle Industries Snow Tarps are designed to lift and remove freshly fallen snow from construction jobsites. Snow Tarps are manufactured using durable 18 oz. PVC coated vinyl fabric which is highly tear and rip resistant.